Le lycée participe au projet Erasmus+ T.I.M.E. (2020 – 2023).
Six établissements européens participent :
- Skeiene ungdomsskole, Sandnes, Norway
- Istituto Statale Istruzione Superiore E. De Nicola, Naple, Italy
- Gymnasium, Penzberg, Germany
- BG/BRG/BORG, Eisenstadt, Austria
- Lycée Jean Moulin, Langon, France
- Liceul Teoretic « Onisifor Ghibu », Sibiu, Romania

What does it mean to be a citizen of a European country these days? How much aware are young Europeans of European politics, values and institutions that influence their lives? What kind of Europe do they dream of? These are some questions that need to be asked at a time when populists are gaining ground in Europe and in the world, at a time where many, especially young people, express their dissatisfaction with European decisions.
We want our students to get to know the Union, which remain abstract to many of them. We want them to learn about the history and how our European identity has evolved, how regions and cities have benefited from the fact of being a part of the Union, how our countries are connected through education, trade, work and leisure.
Vous pouvez suivre le projet sur le site